Wednesday 20 January 2016

Best music CDs for children

Nursery rhymes are an awesome route into adapting early phonic aptitudes or to improve the capacity to listen, distinguish and control letter sounds. Nursery rhymes helps you to take your child to an imaginary world. They transport children to a universe of imagination and play and can truly build up your child’s visualisation skills through the use of actions.

Children Animated Video Kerala

Kunappi is the most recommended and Best music CDs for children ( rhymes and stories ). Kunjappi provides a great chance to develop those higher level vocabulary skills and best songs for children with clearly enunciated words, easy to memorize lyrics, and fun tur more de 
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Thursday 17 December 2015

Kunjappi - Nursery Rhymes for Children

Your children will enjoy our delightful collection of music videos that take their favorite nursery rhymes to life. Nursery rhymes improving the children’s reading and writing skills, word comprehension etc. It makes learning fun. Also, nursery rhymes with actions teach children basic skills like listening skills, following directions and boosting memory.
Kunjappi songs is great for brain breaks, morning meeting, indoor recess and literacy awareness. It includes FUN dances, fingerplays, sing-alongs and much more!

The songs are very interesting which attracts children's very much. The characters in this songs are more impressive and easily catchable.
Click here to view the entire video playlist of 10 popular nursery rhyme songs and dances.

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